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Here's to...

  • here's to spring & summer days, when the weather is nice and warm. when the sun is shining on your shoulders and you feel like you're on top of the world.
  • here's to bright colored flowers that bring smiles to your face
  • here's to warm chocolate chip oatmeal cookies
  • here's to a big cup of cozy tea
  • here's to being happy

what things make you happy and bring smiles to your face?

The Uniform Project

For The Uniform Project, Sheena Matheiken is wearing the same dress every day for an entire year. Each day, she "reinvents the dress with layers, accessories and all kinds of accouterments".

The project began in May of 2009. Today is day 329. As you can see Sheena is extremely talented at accessorizing her LBD!


What I'm Loving Right Now

Lately I've been inspired by the wonderful combination of vintage and modern coming together. When I stumbled upon the J. Crew catalog featuring Molly-Hanna I found her amazing accessories.

My favorite piece of hers being Garden Treasures. Take a look:

I am absolutely in love! It's absolutely gorgeous, but the price...not so much.

I'm longing for summer

I know it's still a bit away, but I'm really longing for summertime.

Almost there!

The new layout is almost completely finished! huzzzah!

Now just to put the finishing touches!

What do you think?


Under Construction

One of my gripes with this blog (other than me being terrible at updating-sorry!) is the layout. So I'll be working on it for the next couple of days.

I'll try to update here and there, though check the twitter for better updates:

Any recommendations on what I should do with the layout?


Yay for the sun

The sun came out today in Boston. It was wonderful! The noreaster that plowed through here left so much flooding, I've never seen anything like it!

I've gotten lots of compliments on my etsy shop lately which makes me feel wonderful! yay!


Rain Rain Go Away

It's been so stormy here lately. We've been having this noreaster that's caused flooding and a lot of trees have fallen. As if the gloomy weather wasn't bad enough spring vacation is officially over and back to classes today. boo.

6 weeks of classes left and one week of finals! whoo hoo CANNOT wait. then it's one year of clinical rotations and then i'm officially done. may 2011 you cannot get here soon enough.
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