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happy new year?

so i'm a couple of days late...but happy new year

school starts in a week, isn't that crazy?!

this is my schedule

week one:
monday: physiology/pathophysiology 11-12:15, biochemistry 1-1:50, intro to pharmacy practice management 3-3:50
tuesday: pharmaceutics 11-11:50
wednesday: IPEP 8-10, physiology/pathophysiology 11-12:15, biochemistry 1-1:50, intro to pharmacy practice management lab 3-5:50
thursday: no classes :)
friday: pharmaceutics 9-10:50, physiology/pathophysiology 11-12:15, biochemistry 1-1:50, research methods in epidemiology 2-3:50

week two:
monday: physiology/pathophysiology 11-12:15, biochemistry 1-1:50, pharmaceutics prelab 3-3:50
tuesday: pharmaceutics 11-11:50
wednesday: IPEP 8-10, physiology/pathophysiology 11-12:15, biochemistry 1-1:50,
thursday: pharmaceutics lab 1:30-4:20
friday: pharmaceutics 9-10:50, physiology/pathophysiology 11-12:15, biochemistry 1-1:50, research methods in epidemiology 2-3:50

and they alternate every other week
ugh my fridays are going to suck

i'm really really REALLY nervous about IPM lab.

this break pretty much sucked. between work and barely seeing anyone and bitchiness in this house


heyyjazmineex said...

wow. that way sucks. hahahh busy muchh? everything gets like that arounddd new yearss...

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